THE 21-DAY HORMONE DETOX & Weight Loss Program

designed exclusively for women aged 40+

Change your life in 21 days


$297 now $97

Special offer: $200 DISCOUNT

 For self-guided begin any time (get in touch re group dates).

it’s advisable to read THE materials A FEW DAYS BEFORE BEGINNING.

start something amazing!  

Meet Jenna

jennaI'm the founder of Youology, a former magazine health & beauty editor, author, women's health researcher, accredited holistic health and menopause coach and nutritional awareness counsellor. For years I struggled with weight gain and hormonal blips and fluctuations (long before peri!) so I've probably been where you are now. I'm a member of the International Association of Health Coaches (IAHC) and International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) and I help midlife women like you find (peri)menopause freedom. 



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