It doesn’t matter how healthily we eat there comes a time when we all enjoy a little bit of a treat. It’s the human condition. And we should definitely indulge every now and then but sensibly speaking, it’s better to choose the right kind of treat.

Before you groan thinking I’m going to get all evangelical on you don’t worry, I’m not. It’s just about throwing some informational nuggets out there training and you may do with it what you will. 😀


Enter Dark Chocolate

One square of dark chocolate is the perfect treat every now and then.

NB: I’m talking dark chocolate here not the milk or white chocolate variety because they’re full of ‘stuff’.

Dark chocolate has been revered since ancient times and is well known – famous even – for its delicious flavour. But it’s not only the taste that makes it so wonderful. It also boasts a variety of physiological and potential health benefits. These include regulation of blood pressure, insulin levels, vascular function, oxidation processes, prebiotic effects, glucose balance and lipid metabolism.1

You can read all about those benefits here.


Where Does Chocolate Come From?

Chocolate is made from the seeds (aka beans) of the cacao tree. It’s packed with antioxidants and the darker the chocolate the more antioxidant power it has.

Dark chocolate is usually made with cacao, cocoa butter and a little sugar. The darker it is the less sugar it contains. I always go for 70-85% cacao and higher and it seems Harvard agrees.


Why we love it (apart from the taste!):

  1. It’s full of magnesium, zinc, selenium, and iron plus some manganese and copper.
  2. It appears to be higher in antioxidant force than blueberries or acai.
  3. An intake of dark chocolate contributes to cardiovascular health.
  4. Dark chocolate can produce and increase nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide is a molecule that has a vasodilatory effect meaning it can relax the blood cell walls reducing blood pressure and facilitating the flow of blood and oxygen through the body.
  5. May reduce the risk of heart disease.

Many more studies are needed and they are being done but dark chocolate is a delicious powerhouse.

However, remember that one square I mentioned above? Even though it’s good for us, dark chocolate is still high in calories so too much will lead to weight gain.


Bon appetit!


Thanks for stopping by!

Yours in health & happiness ☺️



Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels