
5 Reasons We Love Dark Chocolate

It doesn’t matter how healthily we eat there comes a time when we all enjoy a little bit of a treat. It’s the human condition. And we should definitely indulge every now and then but sensibly...

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There's a new term in town: Inflamm-aging. What Is Inflamm-aging and why should you care? Inflamm-aging can affect everything from our skin to our muscle tone and flexibility, and of course our...

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5 Reasons To Stretch Every Day

5 Reasons To Stretch Every Day

5 Reasons Why You Should Stretch Every Morning As we grow older certain things happen to our bodies. We become less flexible, we experience back and joint pain and we may start suffering from bad...

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Meet Clarity

Who's Clarity? She's an app! The Clarity App - improving the lives of women through mindfulness, relaxation and sleep. I came across Clarity on my research wanderings and am excited to share her...

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