I’ve mentioned before that I feel blessed to have studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. It was more than a learning curve it was a life-changing lifestyle.

The knowledge, the generosity and the open hearts associated with everyone from the founder, Joshua Rosenthal, to the incredible lecturers (Arianna Huffington, Deepak Chopra, Dr Christiane Northrup, et al), to the people who choose to become alumni (I Quit Sugar’s Sarah Wilson, makeup maestro Bobbi Brown, chef Pete Evans) is humbling.

A co-alumni from IIN told me they’d read somewhere (in New Zealand) that someone had poo-pooed the training dismissing it as a fly-by-night overnight thing. It’s not at all. I’m constantly furthering my knowledge and I’m now into my fourth year as a holistic wellness professional. I have a specialty in weight management and hormone balance for midlife women having completed some post-graduate studies in hormones that I couldn’t have done without the foundation of IIN.

If you need some help with weight loss or getting rid of mood swings and hot flushes I can help with both. You can have a FREE consult with me to see if working with me is for you (just email me here) or I have a 7-Day and a 21-Day online weight loss programme here and here.

Last week the Institute sent out a wonderful flyer for us to share with you. It offers natural recipes for a DIY Kitchen Cleansing Spray and a DIY Hand Soap in the spirit of the times. #coronavirus.

So if you’ve ever wondered how to make your own cleaning and personal care products it’s right here at your fingertips. I hope you’ll love them. They’re super effective, smell great and are easy peasy to make. I’ll write them out here and give you a link to a print out below (with American measures).


Kitchen Cleaning Spray


Photo by Thomas from Pexels


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar (if you can’t get distilled use what you can get your hands on).
  • 3-5 drops essential oils.

Tip: Tea tree and citrus oils have antibacterial properties.

You Will Need:

  • A bottle with spray attachment (preferably glass). They say 8oz which is a little under 250ml or 1 cup.
  • One measuring cup
  • Funnel


  1. Measure and pour vinegar into the bottle, using a funnel if necessary.
  2. Measure and pour water into the bottle, using a funnel if necessary.
  3. Screw on spray attachment and shake.
  4. Spray and clean!

It leaves a beautiful smell in your home.

DIY Hand Soap


Photo by Vie Studio from Pexels


  • 1/2 cup water (preferably distilled)
  • 1/2 cup castile soap
  • 15-20 drops essential oils
  • 1 Tbsp vitamin E oil
  • 1 Tbsp jojoba oil

Tip: citrus and tea tree oil have antibacterial properties

You Will Need:

  • A bottle with hand pump attachment (preferably glass). They say 8oz which is a little under 250ml or 1 cup.
  • One measuring cup
  • Funnel
  • Tbsp measure


  1. Measure and pour water into the bottle, using a funnel if necessary.
  2. Measure and pour castile soap into the bottle, using a funnel if necessary.
  3. Pour in oils (Jojoba and vitamin E if using).
  4. Pour in essential oils.
  5. Screw on pump attachment and shake.
  6. Place by your bathroom or kitchen sink.
  7. Enjoy!

Where to buy ingredients:

In New Zealand, Pure Nature is a brilliant natural ingredient stockist where you can find liquid castile soap and essential oils. They are currently open for online orders but have a limited range available at the present time. Click here.

Wendyl’s Green Goddess is also open right now and you should be able to get what you need there. Click here.

In Australia, I find Nourished Life great. Click here.

Amazon Prime will teach you how to make liquid Castile soap from olive oil here.

If you would like me to stock essential oils please let us know at hello@youology.co.nz.

Here’s the link to the printout sheet of the recipes.

And lastly, if you would love to become a student at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, you can get a discount through me. Check out the curriculum here. Or you can click the Spiritual Guru picture below :-).

If you do decide to take the plunge do get in touch, we’d be happy to help you on your journey. Best. Thing. Ever. X


Thanks for stopping by,

Yours in health & happiness 🌸